Three Days to See
is: editorial | about: senseMaterials: kraft paper, translucent vellum paper
Typefaces: Univers LT, Calisto MT
09. 2015

| Vision |
| Overview |
This zine presents visually impaired children’s interpretation of Helen Keller’s Three Days to See. Supported by a teacher working at a school for the blind, this project attempts to help the community without vision problems better understand the other reality.

While most of the kids created their braille art, some with partial vision loss drew with pen. I covered those pieces with translucent vellum paper, as I came to know from my interview that there is no distinct color in the blind’s universe, and all they can sense is a cloud of blurs.

The physical collection inspired me to create a digital component, an audiobook, to complete this project, which gave birth to the booklet idea for a broader readership.